Recent Blogs
Time to use the mass media for the common good?
Today’s mass media is full of articles on important subjects. Trans rights, racial discrimination, anthropogenic climate change, the virus (yes, corona virus, if you still remember it), hunger in Africa. All worthy themes for public discussions, my woke friends! After all, aren’t we all in favour of rights and in preserving the precious human lives? Yes we are, my bleeding heart comrades! But it seems to me, no one really cares about a rather substantial group of people, who keep suffering en mass, without anyone steering the faeces on their behalf, so to speak. I’m referring, of course, to the unhealthy golden billion.
A smarter voting system for the new age
The problem with democracy
Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. Sounds familiar? This quote, attributed to the seasoned politician Sir Churchill, sounds true today more than ever, given that nowadays there are so many countries on this planet that call themselves democratic. And yet one must be blind not to notice huge problems in almost any single one of them. Rampant corruption, demagogues in power, erosion of law and order, growing inequality and good old misgovernment can be seen from the space, some times literally. Is there a common denominator here at play?
Can Musk blast the Great Chinese Firewall from the space?
Elon Musk is a prolific man. There is no need to retell his glorious career here, the curious reader can always review the relevant Wikipedia page, which we will assume to be somewhat accurate. Important to bear in mind that the guy loves to innovate. Most of the time he doesn’t really create a completely new products that no one has ever thought of before. On the contrary, he usually takes an existing idea, such as an electric car, and makes it work. Both technically and, at least to some extend, financially. Of course, Tesla is ridiculously overvalued at the time of writing, March 2021, but Tesla auto mobiles can be found nowadays on every road. And thanks to the blind herds of Robinhood and friends, he can fund his other ventures from the general donations of the American government.